Ay, beshrewe yow, be my fay,
This wanton clarkes be nyse all way;
Avent, avent, my popagay!
“What, will ye do no thyng but play?”
Tully, valy, strawe, let be I say!
Gup, Cristian Clowte, gup, Jak of the Vale!
With Manerly Margery Mylk and Ale.
“Be God, ye be a praty pode,
And I love you an hole cart lode.”
Strawe, Jamys foder, ye play the fode,
I am no hakney for your rode;
Go watch a bole, your bak is brode;
Gup, Cristian Clowte, gup, Jak of the vale!
With Manerly Margery Mylk and Ale.
Iwiss, ye dele uncurtesly;
What wolde ye frompill me? Now, fy!
“What, and ye shalbe my piggesnye?”
Be Crist, ye shall not, no hardely;
I will not be japed bodely:
Gup, Cristian Clowte, gup, Jake of the vale!
With Manerly Margery Mylk and Ale.
“Walke forth your way, ye cost me nought;
Now have I fowned that I have sought,
The best chepe flessh that evyr I bought.”
Yet, for His love that all hath wrought,
Wed me, or els I dye for thought!
Gup, Cristian Clowte, your breth is stale!
With Manerly Margery Mylk and Ale!
Gup, Cristian Clowte, gup, Jak of the vale!
With Manerly Margery Mylk and Ale.