Why were ye, Calliope, embrawdred with letters of golde?
Calliope, As ye may se, Regent is she Of poetes al, Whiche gave to me The high degre Laureat to be Of fame royall; Whose name enrolde With silke and golde I dare be bolde Thus for to were. Of her I holde And her housholde; Though I waxe olde And somdele sere, Yet is she fayne, Voyde of disdayn, Me to retayne Her serviture: With her certayne I wyll remayne As my soverayne Moost of pleasure, Maulgre touz malheureux.
Latinum carmen sequitur .
Cur tibi contexta est aurea Calliope?
Responsio eiusdem vatis .
Candida Calliope, vatum regina, coronans Pierios lauro, radiante intexta sub auro! Hanc ego Pierius tanto dignabor honore, Dum mihi vita manet, dum spiritus hos regit artus: Quamquam conficior senio marcescoque sensim, Ipse tamen gestare sua haec pia pignora certo, Assensuque suo placidis parebo camenis. Inclyta Calliope, et semper mea maxima cura est.
Haec Pierius omni Spartano liberior.
Calliope, Musarum excellentissima, speciosissima, formosissima, heroicis praeest versibus.